Mastering Your Money Mindset | CA. Tarak Nath Shaw


Personal finance coaching is a collaborative partnership where I work with individuals to help them navigate their financial journey. Through personalized guidance, we focus on setting and achieving financial goals, budgeting, debt management, and building long-term financial stability.

A personal finance coach provides expertise, support, and accountability to help you make informed financial decisions. Whether you are looking to eliminate debt, save for the future, or navigate life changes, a coach can empower you to achieve your financial aspirations.

The coaching process typically involves an initial consultation to understand your financial goals and challenges. From there, we collaboratively develop a customized plan, with ongoing sessions to track progress, make adjustments, and provide guidance as needed.

I am Chartered Accountant and a Bachelors in Law, and my experience includes mentoring and coaching Individuals from all income groups of society including High Net Worth Individuals and Professionally qualified people. My passion for personal finance and commitment to staying abreast of industry trends ensure that I can provide effective and up-to-date coaching.

I work with individuals, couples, and entrepreneurs from various backgrounds and life stages. My goal is to assist anyone seeking to enhance their financial well-being and make positive strides toward their financial objectives.

Coaching sessions can cover a range of topics, including budgeting, saving, investing, retirement planning, and debt reduction. The focus is tailored to your specific needs and goals.

While financial planning often involves comprehensive, long-term strategies, personal finance coaching is more hands-on and immediate. I work closely with clients on day-to-day financial decisions, offering guidance and support as they navigate their financial journey.

The duration of coaching engagements varies based on individual needs. Some clients may benefit from a few sessions, while others prefer ongoing support. We can discuss and determine the best approach for you during our initial consultation.

Sessions typically involve discussions about your financial goals, challenges, and progress. We will work together to develop action plans and strategies to overcome obstacles, ensuring you are well-equipped to make sound financial decisions.

Client privacy is of utmost importance. I adhere to strict confidentiality standards and employ secure methods to protect your financial information. Your trust is essential to our coaching relationship.

My approach is collaborative and action-oriented. Together, we identify challenges, set realistic goals, and develop strategies to overcome obstacles. I provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure sustained financial success.

I am dedicated to continuous learning and professional development. I stay informed about industry trends through regular training, workshops, and networking within the financial community.

My fee structure varies based on individual needs. I even offer EMIs and packages to accommodate different needs and ensure that financial coaching is accessible.

Yes, I offer a complimentary initial consultation. This allows us to discuss your financial goals, assess your needs, and determine how personal finance coaching can benefit you.

Getting started is easy. You can contact us through our Contact us section to schedule a consultation. I look forward to the opportunity to support you on your financial journey.